Solutions to help employers improve health and reduce costs
Burgio Health Alliance can help you reduce health risks and medical costs, boost productivity, and encourage employee retention with an on-site wellness program.
Burgio Health Alliance can help you take control of your company’s healthcare costs.
Most businesses acknowledge their business struggles and tell us that healthcare is their 2nd or 3rd highest uncontrolled cost. Wouldn't you like to change that? Partnering with Burgio Health, positions you to gain back control over your healthcare ROI.
Our mission is to help you address the following with a cost-effective approach to healthcare:
To save your company significant money on rising healthcare cost drivers such as prescription medications
Get ahead of the curve and stay ahead of the curve
Cost of inaction is getting extremely expensive
….and much more!
We have found that employee participation skyrockets when employers offer a benefit-based incentive plan. Curious to see how your company could benefit? Ask about our savings and ROI calculator!
Give your employees access to the best.
Our on-site wellness programs will connect your employees to practitioners from across the region in specialties including:
Chiropractic care
Healthy Heart Clinic
Life Coaching
Smoking Cessation
Weight Loss
… and more!
Whole Food Supplements
Good nutrition is vital to our health and well-being. Getting all of the nutrients you need from your diet is ideal, but life gets busy and it can be difficult to access healthy foods. Enhance your health and meet your nutritional needs with these whole food supplements.

A track record of impressive results
Are you ready to add “health” back into employer-provided healthcare?
As a forward-thinking employer interested in our innovative signature wellness program, your company would be able to take advantage of our unique, alternative solution to address the health and wellness concerns of your employees—while combatting rising healthcare costs.